Friday, December 31, 2010

Strong Resolutions lead To Strong Revolutions!

Folks! Inspiration Unlimited wishes you a very Happy New Year. We would be more than glad if all your enterprises have sky rocketed in the bygone year. We would be even more glad if the forthcoming year sees even greater growth.

For every enterprise till date the only formula for success has been pre-planning and focussed execution. The most crucial stage in the planning is that of deciding the targets and principles which the organization would resolute to stand for & stand by. So we request our readers, who have patiently waited all these days to connect to us and read from us, to resolute for this new year.

Today, right now, is the best & the most ideal time for you to sit down & jort down a list of resolutions and targets for this forthcoming new year. The person who goes at the most optimum speed on a race track is the one who knows the route, & has a plan. Once you have decided the speeds, pit-stops, social activities, new developments, annual goals, all that remains then is the execution of plans, with dithyrambic attitudes.

Well defined resolutions are important to ensure well defined efforts can be input, and hence desired results can be achieved. When your plan is not well defined, & you do not know where you are heading, you are bound to end up anywhere. That is an anti-entrepreneur, exactly opposite to that of an entrepreneur. We are sure you would not want to be one of them. <font color="blue">The strongest advice from us is that "Quantify your expectations as far as possible" ~ IU team. </font>

We have taken a resolution to bring to you a new blog every single fortnight, to help all your ideas turn reality, to motivate you, to inspire you, to sharpen your axe, to help you find your own check points & inturn see blooming growth in the number of successful enterprises in the world.

So folks! with this small reminder, we complete this stupendous year of bringing inspiration to you, and hope for a deeply overwhelming growth oriented year for you and for your enterprise. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Published & Managed by Inspiration Unlimited Team. All rights Reserved. © 2010.

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